California Real Estate Exam Prep

Pass your State exam in CA

This is not your Pre-licensing courses. Pass your courses first. Come to us to prepare fot the State Exam. Easy. Click below to get started!
Study tips!
PRACTICE EXAMS: Don't just try to remember the questions word-for-word. Instead, focus on the main idea or message behind them. Make sure you really "get" what's being asked and “Why” the correct answer is correct.
VOCAB LIST: Learn 7 new words every day for a few weeks. After some time, test yourself on the words by covering up their definition using the hide feature.
PRACTICE EXAMS: Take the practice exams over and over with the target score of 75% plus. This is a good indication you are ready for the state exam.
VOCAB LIST: Click on the TikTok icon to view the TikTok flashcard. Click the search icon for more perspectives from different angles.